Facebook Marketing Strategy for your Business

Facebook Marketing Strategy for your Business

Nowadays, more than three billion people are using Facebook. But only a few users want to try what you are selling…Right? So targeting an audience on Facebook is a little more challenging thing. But if executed correctly, then you can see many advantages in your business. A Facebook Marketing strategy is a strategy which engages the customers effectively in your business and improves the overall experience of your website.

If you want to get the top reach in the market, then you should follow some Facebook Marketing Strategy of your business.

Different types of Facebook Marketing Strategies are as follows:

Share Reviews:

If you want your business marketing strategy on facebook then you should share customers reviews on your page by just asking your customers to share their experience on your page. You can also share screenshots of positive reviews on other social sites.

If you are a new startup and don’t have any reviews then, in this case, you can give your audience an incentive so that they leave positive feedback. You can also ask followers about their last experience.

Create an Event:

You can add any type of event for your customer. If you have restaurant or hotel then just add live band performance at your restaurant and get a big sale at your store. Facebook events are the best way to inform and notify your followers and it can create some buzz for your business.

Apart from this, you can also create an event on facebook which is very easy to create. Some tips to improve the reach of your Facebook event are as follows:

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You can add directions to your business or map so that people can easily find your event location.

You can invite more customers to the event.

Share your event on your timeline and promote it like an ad.

Use Groups for Marketing Strategy:

To send an event to a bunch of people, you can create a group on facebook or on other social media. The group is the perfect place to create a controlled community within your target audience. You can send content as per your audience interests.

Use @ feature on Facebook:

This is the best marketing strategy, you should use the @ feature in your Facebook so that your fans will feel that they are important for you. This Facebook @ feature will provide you to tag people and other Facebook pages. This feature also shows enthusiasm and gratitude. By this, you can create a fruitful relationship between your customers and business.

Engage with Facebook Community

Talking and engaging with your Facebook community can also build a strong relationship, loyalty and trust. With this strategy, you can turn your users into your customers.

Use Facebook Ads

To reach on the top in the market, you should use Facebook ads on other sites or social media. These ads are not much expensive, so you can easily use it. If you are a start-up then you should use ads, because ads provide a positive impact on your followers.

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Run and go with Contest:

People always like to win gifts or money. There are different ways by which you can run a Facebook contest on your timeline or Facebook app. With this marketing strategy, you will get more benefit to your business.

OnSite Promotion of Facebook Page:

In this strategy, you should try to convert the foot traffic of your business. For this, you should use receipts, posts, check-ins, and likes on your facebook timeline. This is the best way to create a marketing strategy on Facebook.

Here are some ideas to get start the promotion of your Website:

  • You can give $200 gift card to your valuable customers and post their picture on your facebook timeline.
  • You can give a 20% discount for every person who uses check-ins at your store on some particular day.

Facebook engagement videos, images, and links:

You can make videos, images of your lovable customers. People always like their images and videos so you can post videos on your timeline with tag them.

Another strategy is you can share the link of your website or page on different social media so that people can go through it and use it, like it.

Social Media Sharing:

The best and popular marketing strategy is Social Media Sharing. You can use social media plug-ins and integrating social media sharing buttons on your page or website. It is a very easy way for your visitors and customers so that they can share your website with others. Once any person shared your website on their Facebook or other social media sites, their all friends can easily see their links on their Facebook profile and news feeds.

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Create or Join Facebook Groups:

There are three types of Facebook groups such as Open, secret and Closed. You can make any type of group as per your need and requirement. These groups are free of cost so that you don’t need to pay any fee to make these groups.  All these three groups have different functions and different ways to use:

Open Group:

These types of groups are open for everyone so that anyone can see the group and post or chat in this group. These groups are mainly used to build awareness, interest, and authority in your business brand. The main focus of these groups is that you should not be selling but you can participate and interact with others.

Closed Group:

The closed group on Facebook, means, only those person can see these group who are the members of the group. These types of groups are the best for customer support purposes and to solve their problems.

Secret Group:

In these groups, only those members can see this group who is the participant of this group. These types of groups are used for a high level of discussion.